Discover OLOL
Welcome to Our Lady of Lourdes
Dear Friends and Visitors,
Welcome to the Our Lady of Lourdes School website. We hope you will explore the site, and begin to get a sense of the school community that is Our Lady of Lourdes. OLOL is a Catholic School, established in 1941 by the School Sisters of Saint Francis. Students begin school in our Little Group Program which serves three year olds. Our Pre-K classes are for students who will attend Kindergarten the following year. These classes are kept small, so that students receive lots of attention and support as they navigate the beginnings of their school experience.
Children in the Little Group and Pre-K are very much a part of the school community, and they come to love school, their teachers, their older buddies, and all the wonderful experiences they have. We have an outstanding Kindergarten classroom in which our younger students are introduced to academics and receive the differentiated instruction that they need at this age. Students in first through eighth grade participate in an age-appropriate academic program that is based on the Standards of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC.
In 2015 we were named a National Blue Ribbon School. This award recognizes many indicators of academic excellence, including standardized test scores that far exceed the national average and academic programs that reflect best practices. Our Lady of Lourdes welcomes all students. We strive to help each child become the best student and person they can be. Our success sends a strong message - that academic excellence is enhanced when a school community is diverse in every way.
A challenging academic program prepares all students for admission to Catholic, private, and public high schools. Our Class of 2024 graduates were all admitted to at least one of the area’s Catholic high schools to which they applied. Our graduates win merit scholarships and enroll in honors and AP classes during their freshman year.
In a fast-paced world that pushes children to grow up too fast, Our Lady of Lourdes School faculty and administrators are determined to allow our students to remain children as long as they are in our care. Our extensive service program involves students at all grade levels, and we recognize that everyone deserves to be treated with great kindness and care.
We encourage you to call and make an appointment to visit our school. Come and experience the community, enthusiasm, and dedication to faith and learning at Our Lady of Lourdes School. There’s no place like Lourdes!
Mission & Philosophy
Our Lady of Lourdes School provides a solid foundation in the Catholic faith, fosters academic excellence, and educates children to be successful leaders who serve the world.
This mission statement was developed in 2008. At the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, our mission statement was re-evaluated and it was determined that it should remain as written.
Spiritual development of the student is the primary purpose of Catholic education. Academic excellence is pursued in the context of this development. In every subject area teachers incorporate knowledge and skills that will enable students to be good citizens and be of service to their school, parish, and the larger community. The goals of academic development are inseparable from the development of spiritually healthy students who become responsible young adults.
Our values are mirrored in the goals of our programs and in their implementation. We continually endeavor to re-evaluate and renew our commitment to our faith and to a rigorous educational experience for all children in our care. We accept the challenge to reflect the mandate given to us by the Church to teach and live the Word of God.
All students in the school participate in service projects throughout the school year. Service projects are implemented in connection with instruction in the Principles of Social Justice and in the Corporal Works of Mercy.
Our Lady of Lourdes School is a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, a 2017 and 2018 Best of Bethesda School, and accredited by AdvancED/Cognia.
Why We Love our Catholic School

Catholic Identity
Our Lady of Lourdes School exists to develop the moral, intellectual, social and physical potential of each child in the school. In this venture, the school shares responsibility with the family and the Catholic Church. Our Lady of Lourdes School is a community of faith composed of parents, students, clergy, staff, and teachers. We strive to guide each child as he or she grows and matures in knowledge and in faith. The school community is enriched by the presence of students from a variety of family backgrounds, faiths, nationalities and cultures.
An appreciation of the liturgy is developed through weekly participation in the Mass and through daily religious instruction and prayer. Preparation for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion form the core of religious instruction in grade 2, and preparation for Confirmation takes place in grade 8. All students participate in the liturgy and prayer, however, only Catholic students receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. Opportunities are made for those students and parents who wish to study for and receive the Sacrament of Baptism and be welcomed into the Catholic Church.
We believe that the parent is the primary educator of the child. In this regard, parents are urged to model and practice their faith by regularly attending Sunday Masses and by fostering the practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The faculty shares this responsibility by modeling prayer, reflection, and charity in the classroom, and by facilitating character development.
OLOL Rosary Crew
Morning Offering
Oh Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer you my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart in union with the holy sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparations for my sins, for the intentions of all our associations, and in particular for the intention recommended this month by the Holy Father.
Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, health of the sick, refuge of sinners, comforter of the afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings; look with mercy on me.
By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes you have already relieved the spiritual and corporal suffering of many.
I come therefore, with complete confidence to implore your maternal intercession.
Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my requests.
Through gratitude for your favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues, that I may one day share your glory. Amen
Monthly Prayer Schedule
We will say the following monthly prayers, in addition to the Morning Offering, every morning in the gym.
May & June