Activities & Resources
Schoolwide enrichment programs take place during the school year. Students in the primary grades engage in project-based learning based on a chosen theme.
Teachers provide enrichment throughout the school day to students who have mastered grade-level objectives and create cross-curricular lessons and projects to reinforce student learning.
School Activities
Band is offered to all students in grades four through eight. Students take lessons once a week, and the Advanced Band rehearses once a week after school. Band lessons take place during the school day, last for 40 minutes, and students are pulled from academic classes for band on a rotating basis.
The choir practices during lunch and performs at school mass and concerts throughout the school year.
CYO Sports
Our Lady of Lourdes offers student sports through CYO. It is a parent and faculty supported program that focuses on fun, teamwork and sportsmanship. The school offers four sports during the school year for students of all ages.
Newspaper Club
The Newspaper Club is open to students in grades 4 - 8. The club meets Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 - 4:30pm. The cost is to join is $125/year.
The newspaper is published several times a year, and distributed to school families, members of the Parish, and prospective families who attend Open House. The OLOL School Newspaper has received numerous accolades.
Our Lady of Lourdes Altar Servers
The Our Lady of Lourdes altar servers are a thriving group of dedicated boys and girls from 5th - 8th grades. They represent the Lourdes parish by serving daily 7am and noon masses and weekend and holy day masses.
Student Government
In the Fall of the school year, eighth grade students have an opportunity to run for Student Government. They campaign and present their platforms in speeches to students in grades 4-8. The four officers of the Student Government are responsible for organizing fundraisers, tag days, spirit week and other activities throughout the school year.

The Our Lady of Lourdes H.S.A. exists to promote communication and cooperation between parents and the school and to support the faculty and administration in their mission to provide a solid foundation in the Catholic faith, foster academic excellence, and educate children to be successful leaders who serve the world.
The H.S.A. is dedicated to serving Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School and building a strong, faith-based community. The H.S.A. sponsors several major events each year. Each Our Lady of Lourdes event offers opportunities to meet new people, become more engaged in the school community and volunteer your gifts, talent, and time. We look forward to your active involvement!