Tuition & Fees

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Tuition 2025-2026

An OLOL Parishioner rate is applied for families who are registered parishioners of OLOL and contribute financially.

Tuition is paid through FACTS. If tuition is paid in full prior to the first day of school, $200 will be deducted from the tuition amount.


  • Materials: this covers assessed fees from the Catholic Schools Office, AdvanceED accreditation, standardized testing, textbook and consumable materials for classrooms, and technology including internet and networking fees.

  • Home & School Association: this covers expenses for yearly parent and family events, occasional assemblies and activities, and stipends for beginning of the year teacher classroom supplies. Parents are asked to contribute to HSA fundraising during the year for faculty and staff Christmas and end of year gifts.


  • Field Trip: Individual costs assessed per field trip.

  • Hot Lunch: Hot lunch is offered Monday through Friday. The range per lunch is from $5 - $8. You can select between one day to five days.


  • Each year that your child is at OLOL your family will earn a loyalty credit worth 10% of the student’s 8th grade tuition (not to exceed 50% of the total tuition cost and is non-transferrable).

  • The multiple child tuition credit is applied to all families with more than one child enrolled; you do not need to apply for or request it. The multi-child credit is applied as a percentage of each child’s tuition. The second child will receive a 10% deduction of their tuition, the third will be 20% and the fourth will be 30%. A fifth sibling in grades K-8 will not incur a tuition cost. If the fifth sibling is in PK2, 3, or 4, they receive a discount equal to the parishioner/non-parishioner K-8 tuition rate.


  • Application Fee: $250 per student (Initial one-time non-refundable fee for new applications)

  • Enrollment Tuition Deposit: $500 per student (non-refundable deposit applied to tuition)

  • Graduation Fee (8th grade students only): $350 per student (This fee covers the cost of diplomas, award plaques, graduation gowns, and one student yearbook.)

ADW Tuition Assistance Applications

Applications for tuition assistance must be completed through the Archdiocese of Washington.

  • Applications will open on October 7, 2024. Current students must apply for financial aid for the 2025-2026 school year by February 21, 2025.

  • New Families to our school must apply for financial aid by February 21, 2025.

    Please contact the school office if you have difficulty.

    *All families who want to be considered for additional tuition assistance through Our Lady of Lourdes school must first apply for ADW tuition assistance. OLOL tuition assistance will be considered in February/March of 2025.

Tuition Assistance

All families who seek financial assistance must complete the TADS tuition assistance form and the OLOL Request for Tuition Assistance form annually. There deadline for applying is February 21, 2025.

Our Lady of Lourdes offers the following forms of financial assistance:​

  • Shepherd Foundation Scholarships,

  • Msgr. James T. Beattie Financial Assistance Scholarships,

  • Pastor's Scholarships for families with demonstrated need who are active parish members of Our Lady of Lourdes,

  • Archdiocese of Washington tuition assistance for families who have completed, current applications on file that demonstrate significant need,

  • Archdiocese of Washington emergency tuition assistance for families in unusual, unanticipated circumstances.​

Application for Tuition Assistance:

  1. File TADS forms which are available on the website and the school website link. This form must be completed each year.

  2. Complete the Tuition Assistance Form for Our Lady of Lourdes by January 31, 2025:

We make every effort to provide our families with the tuition assistance they need to remain in our school. Because of the high volume of requests for tuition assistance, we are not able to provide any child with full tuition assistance.

Our Lady of Lourdes administrators want to work with all parents to make sure that no student is turned away due to inability to pay tuition. While we cannot provide full tuition to any student, we will make every effort to help parents identify their ability to pay, and to find a source of additional funding if necessary.

Proud Participant of Maryland BOOST

The BOOST Scholarship Coalition is dedicated to ensuring that Maryland students have access to high-quality, affordable and diverse educational options, such as our Our Lady of Lourdes School. There are opportunities for you to sign up for the BOOST Action Network and when doing so, if you click the checkbox to become a Parent Ambassador, you can help the efforts to share positive stories about BOOST with legislators and ensure this program continues for years to come. Parent and community advocacy is critical so if you have benefitted from BOOST, please consider signing up to get more involved.