Admissions & Registration

Admissions, Tours & Open Houses

Our next Open House is:

March 20, 2025

9:30 -11:30 am or 1:00 - 2:30 pm

We would love to give you a tour of our school!

To learn more about our school or make an appointment to visit our school, please fill out the form below.



Contact Us

7500 Pearl Street
Bethesda, MD 20814

Phone: (301) 654-5376
Fax: (301) 654-2568

Admission Policy

The Archdiocese Admissions Non-Discrimination Policy can be found on the website of the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Washington:

It is the policy of Our Lady of Lourdes School to make every effort to meet the educational, spiritual and social needs of all students who seek a Catholic education at our school. Every effort will be made to welcome applicants to our school while ensuring that all students will receive adequate attention and excellent instruction.

The following priorities will be used to accept students to Our Lady of Lourdes School when there are a limited number of available seats in any classroom:

  1. Members of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

  2. Siblings of current students

Application & Enrollment Procedures

All students entering grades 1-8 will be considered for admission or re-enrollment based on academic and discipline records and a family interview.

  • Students in the Kindergarten class must be five years old by September 1.

  • Preschool students must be toilet-trained and be independent in the bathroom. Students in the Little Group program must be three years old by September 1 and students in the Pre-K program must be four years old by September 1.

  • Applications for new students are considered throughout the school year as space is available.

  • Applications, including documentation and payment, will be completed online through (This is a change for 2025-2026 school year)

  • Returning families will reapply for the coming school year in mid-December though January using the new FACTS website. (returning families will receive an email notification)

All applications will be found on OLOL’s FACTS platform. Each application includes a $250 non-refundable application fee. ​

  • Click here for FACTS Application for new students.

  • Once students are notified of acceptance, parents complete the enrollment process to secure a seat for the coming school year.

  • Current students re-enroll by January 28 of the current school year.

  • No student is guaranteed a spot year over year. A comprehensive review and interview with the parents and student, if necessary, will be conducted in January for families reapplying.