Faith. Excellence. Service.
Our Lady of Lourdes School provides a solid foundation in the Catholic faith, fosters academic excellence, and educates children to be successful leaders who serve the world.
Educating students in preschool through eighth grade since 1941.
Join the fun at the 17th Annual Kate Truax Lions’ Roar 5K/ 1K Run
April 12, 2025
Parent Resources
Plus Portals is OLOL's Parent & Student School Information System. This is where you can access student assignments, grades, classroom information, links for classroom activities and resources. The PlusPortals link will only work if you already signed in using your unique login link sent via email.
TADS is OLOL's Online Management System for paying Tuition, as well as having access to the Admissions, Enrollment, and Financial Aid application process. All documentation and payment will be completed online through TADS.com. All applications can also be found online at TADS.
The OLOL Handbook is the Parent/Student Handbook for the 2023-2024 academic year. All parents and students should read the handbook together.
Catholic Schools Week
Mark Zimmermann of the Catholic Standard reflects on the beauty of Catholic schools and their communities, featuring Our Lady of Lourdes and beloved teacher Kate Truax. Read here.
Upcoming Events
Click here to view a full list of Upcoming Events
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer at OLOL Lunch and Recess
11:25 - 11:55 (4th - 8th recess; K - 3rd lunch)
12:00 - 12:30 (K - 3rd recess; 4th -8th lunch) -
All parents, grandparents or relatives wishing to volunteer for any school sponsored activity must complete the requirements of the Child Protection Program from Archdiocese of Washington prior to participation.
Please click here to download the volunteer application, please read through the steps in the application (needed for new volunteer parents) and other information and forms you will need to take with you to be fingerprinted.